Well, here it is! The new logo and website for Guest House Interiors and the inspiration boards that inspired it. Inspiration boards are good because they help you define and edit what is important to you. Okay, so I made three inspiration boards ( so much for the editing part!) It's the same way with working with an Interior Designer. Sending pictures of rooms you like or making an inspiration board help to create a starting point. From there, you build until you have a finished look. When you go back, you'll see where your inspiration is incorporated into the overall look and feel of your space. It may not be a literal translation, but that's OK. What's important is that you are happy with your space and that it reflects what you want. Here are my inspiration boards for the Guest House logo. Can you see where the elements in my inspiration boards are translated in the finished logo?
If you're interested in maximizing your occupancy and creating one of a kind guest accomodations, contact me at Guest House Interiors.
Love it!